Discover the many features of the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 set. The LEGO(r) MINDSTORMS(r) NXT 2.0 Discovery Book is the complete, illustrated, beginner's guide to MINDSTORMS that you've been looking for. The crystal clear instructions in the Discovery Book will show you how to harness the capabilities of the NXT 2.0 set to build and program your own robots. Author and robotics instructor Laurens Valk walks you through the set, showing you how to use its various pieces, and how to use the NXT software to program robots. Interactive tutorials make it easy for you to reach an advanced level of programming as you learn to build robots that move, monitor sensors, and use advanced programming techniques like data wires and variables. In addition to learning the ins and outs of the MINDSTORMS set and how to program, you'll find 50 sample programs and over 85 programming and building challenges (the "Discoveries") that will spark your imagination as you develop your very own robotic creations. You'll also find building and programming instructions for 8 innovative robots:
This is a perfect introduction for those new to building and programming with the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 set. With this book as your guide, you'll be building your own out-of-this world creations in no time! ABOUT THE AUTHORLaurens Valk is a member of the MINDSTORMS Community Partners who help test and develop new NXT products. He has been inventing robots with the MINDSTORMS NXT sets since their introduction, and one of his robot designs appears on the NXT 2.0 packaging. Valk is a co-author of LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT One-Kit Wonders (No Starch Press) and a contributor to The NXT Step Blog ( He lives in the Netherlands where he teaches robotics.Requirements: One LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 set (#8547)